- SHIPPING! EU & WORDWIDE shipping - send us inquiry for shipping cost! 2014-03-05 14:00:00 | read more»
Give us OEM part number then You receive information about actual price and availability of even the most unusual spare part.
2014-03-05 13:00:00 |
NEW shop NEW design NEW capabilities
ARTONERY - new design
2014-01-03 13:04:05 | read more»
§ 5.1. Add products to cart
Primary condition of purchases in ARTONERY e-shop is correctly completed Registration Form. Alternatively Customer can omit registration process by placing order as a guest. When Customer decides to order product one should use button “add to cart” which is part of description of each product on-line.
§ 5.2. Place the order
Purchase in our e-shop can be performed only by persons with at least 18 years old. Orders can be submitted 24 hours per day. We process / send orders from Monday to Friday up to 14:30. After adding products to cart Customer should end ordering process by clicking button “view cart” and click accepting „Terms and Conditions” and filling out all necessary data in respective steps.
§ 5.3. Order specification
All orders performed on-line are sent to Customer via e-mail as “Order Specification”. We confirm by e-mail complete information regarding price, availability or ETA (estimated time of arrival goods). Customer can make changes in the order until status is changed. All accepted information are confirmed by e-mail which we send to Customer while the status is changed.
§ 5.4. Order cancellation
Customer can cancel the order when ordered products are currently on our stock and only in situation when order hasn’t been sent by forwarder or if the product is not available anymore. Resignation from order is respected only by written way via e-mail.
§ 5.5. Status of order
Implementation of order starts when order status is changed and Customer receives information about new order’s status. ARTONERY uses following statuses to inform Customer about order phase: Cancel; Pending; Processing; Completed.
ARTONERY has the right not to realize the order when ordered product is permanently not available or is obsolete. In case of order for goods that are available for order – Customer receives information about estimated loading time. Customer should make decision:
- sending ordered goods partly,
- sending ordered goods completely,
- cancel whole order.
Customer has 5 working days to make decision regarding order processing. After 5 days without Customer answer ARTONERY has the right to cancel order. We are entitled to make partial deliveries if this is deemed reasonable for the Customer.
§ 5.6. Products „on special order”
Products „on special order” are strictly ordered for special Customer request. Availability and price for those products is individually consulted with the Customer in case of any discrepancy from the one specified on the website. For goods on special order a prepayment may be charge and in some cases Customer has to wait for these ordered goods for a longer time than usually. ARTONERY may make a deduction from the reimbursement for loss in value of any goods supplied, if the loss is the result of unnecessary handling by Customer.
§ 5.7. Realization of outsized orders
Rules of realization outsized orders are individually consulted with Customer. In valid situations ARTONERY reserves the right to refuse order realization and to require pre-payment for ordered products. ARTONERY has also the right to stop the supply of missing ordered products if Customer fails to execute payment.
§ 5.8. Invoice
All purchases are confirmed by invoice which is usually send as attachment in e-mail confirmation and is also attached to the parcel (with label „invoice”). All prices on our invoice are in euro and include VAT tax – with the current Polish VAT 23 % rate or alternatively are granted with 0% rate in cases where appropriate.